Monday, July 27, 2009

Mary Kay Awards Night

Tonight we had our Mary Kay Awards Ceremony. Mom and I were so shocked to see how many wonderful things we had won. We have such an awesome group of ladies that we work with and we are so blessed to have them as our friends. We had such a great time. It was also very motivational for me so look out wrinkles here I come!

More Disney Pictures

Disney 2009

We went to Disney for a week and had a BLAST! Amuk and Uncle Jay came and joined us for a few days as well. It was the Little Man's first visit and he seemed to enjoy himself. The Princess LOVED it and gets more excited every time we go. We can't wait to go back soon.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

1st Birthday Party

The Little Man had his 1st birthday party. We had a wonderful time. Thank you to our friends and family who were able to be with us. The Little Man loved his cake! Every time he would put his hand in the cake and squish it he would laugh. He was so cute!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Little Man Turns 1

Wow, I can't belive it but the Little Man has turned one. It doesn't even seem possible but year ago he only weighted 6 lbs. and was 21 inches long. Today is weighs 20 lbs and is 31 inches long. 

Water Boy

The Little Man also had a great time at swim lessons. He learned how to go under water. I think he will be a fish soon.

No More Swimmies!

I am so happy to report the swim lessons was a great successes! The Princess no longer needs swimmies. She can swim all over the pool and jump in from the side. And the best part of all she doesn't freak out when her face gets wet. Way to go Princess!

Amuk's Visit

Amuk was able to come for a visit. The Princess stayed home with her Amuk while The Little Man and Mommy went up to Tampa for a Mary Kay class. The Princess had a GREAT time with her Amuk! They went shopping, hung out with Uncle Jay, went to Sun Splash and out to dinner. When The Little Man and I got back we all went out to dinner together and had a wonderful visit.
Thanks for coming Amuk we miss you!